DairyCare is not just for the lactose intolerant! DairyCare is a probiotic supplement that helps digest dairy so not only does it help you dairy woes but gives you the added benefits of a good probiotic! Here are 10 additional health benefits of taking DairyCare:
Skin Health
The use of probiotics has been scientifically shown to balance the microflora, pH, and immunity of the skin, returning it to a naturally healthy state. When microflora is out of balance, there is the destruction of the skin barrier, leading to harmful foreign substances and bacteria, putting one at a higher risk for wrinkles, rosacea, acne, psoriasis, and dermatitis.Oral probiotics reduce inflammation and redness which are thought to cause premature formation of wrinkles. Infant eczema is the most common inflammatory skin condition in children. Multiple studies have now demonstrated the positive effects of the use of probiotics in reducing infant eczema by approximately 50%, thus also possibly preventing the increased prevalence of allergies later in life. -
Weight loss
Researchers from the department of cardiology in China, have reviewed 25 trials investigating the relationship between probiotics and body weight and BMI (body mass index - weight to height ratio). “They found that taking probiotics reduced BMI and body weight with the greatest reduction in BMI occurring in overweight adults.” -
Flu Protection
Research has shown that the probiotic, Lactobacillus which is used to improve digestive health, can offer protection against types of influenza A virus, according to a study led by Georgia State University. -
Cancer Prevention
Researchers have genetically engineered a probiotic species, normally found in our bodies, causing them to secrete an 'anticancer enzyme', that was found to decrease colon cancer by 75% in animal studies. Women with breast cancer were found to have elevated levels of two bacteria (E. Coli and Staph. epidermis), known to cause 'breaks' in DNA, which can lead to breast cancer. Conversely, the probiotic Lactobacillus ( which has anticancer properties) was found more commonly in healthy breast tissue. And new research from Spain has shown that oral use of Lactobacilli can reach the mammary gland. -
Allergy Relief
We know that seasonal allergies reduces sleep and productivity at work or school, and results in emotional stress. Present medications have unwanted side effects (dry mouth, drowsiness, etc.). The University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences have completed trials showing the probiotic combination of Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria, reduces hay fever symptoms if taken during allergy season. -
Stress Relief
Prebiotics may be able to help. In a new study from the Neuroscience division of the University of Colorado, “ regular intake of prebiotics may promote beneficial gut bacteria and recovery of normal sleep patterns after a stressful episode. -
Digestive Health
As of 2017, the protective role of probiotics in gastrointestinal digestion is well established, obtained from 74 studies, 84 trials and 10,351 patients, showing that probiotics are beneficial for treatment and prevention of gastrointestinal diseases. -
Constipation Prevention
Are probiotics effective against constipation? Fourteen well-done studies were reviewed by researchers. They found that probiotics on average, increased the number of bowel movements in cases of constipation while softening stools making them easier to pass. (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2015) -
Anxiety and Depression Prevention
There has been some data linking the ‘brain-gut’ axis. Now researchers are finding that gut bacteria may influence anxiety and depression. Animal studies have identified a specific brain region influenced by the bacteria, and “suspect that our early-life exposure to bacteria may predispose us one way or another to anxiety and depression”. -
Did you know that probiotics produce many of the vitamins that you naturally need? They participate in the production of vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, D,
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