This bundle includes several bottles of (60ct) DairyCare™ at a 10% discount.
This Lactose Intolerance Digestive Supplement is the only single dose digestive supplement for Lactose Intolerance which provides consumers with sufficient lactase enzyme replacement for 24 hours, and without any adverse side effects.
DairyCare™ implants live Lactobacillus Acidophilus cultures onto the cells of the small intestine. These cultures enable the body to breakdown lactose sugar without discomfort or side effects. The active ingredient, Lactobacillus Acidophilus has been used in foods in the United States for over 100 years. There has never been a side effect reported from its use, regardless of frequency or duration of use.
Importantly, only this product system enables the consumer to take just one dose per day for 24 hour protection without side effects.
How to Take DairyCare
Take 2 capsules in the morning and afternoon for your first five days, and then 1-2 capsules every morning going forward.
All International orders must include insurance.