Contact us at 1-800-903-3222

 A lactose intolerance pill that really works!

DairyCare™ is a ‘remedy’ whose time has come for all of us. Don't let dairy intolerance hamper your lifestyle. DairyCare™ is a once-a-day probiotic developed by a physician to treat the intolerances of milk, dairy and lactose foods. DairyCare™ contains live Lactobacillus Acidophilus cultures that are natural, organic and lactose-free. Stop worrying about having to find a bathroom after eating dairy.

More than 15 years in the market offering:

More than just a lactose intolerance solution.

Consumers with Celiacs / Inflamed or Irritable Bowels with irregularity also find relief with DairyCare™. It resolves diarrhea and constipation from food, restoring normal bowel regularity. DairyCare™ provides vitamin and mineral production for your body and has the capacity to boost and enhance your immune system, giving you protection from chronic disease. No more painful bloating, gas, abdominal cramping, and diarrhea.

    The Supplement


    DairyCare™  Lactose Intolerance Digestive Supplement is the only single dose digestive supplement for Lactose Intolerance which provides consumers with sufficient lactase enzyme replacement for 24 hours, and without any side effects.

    DairyCare™  implants live Lactobacillus Acidophilus cultures onto the cells of the small intestine.  These cultures enable the body to break down lactose sugar without discomfort or side effects.  The active ingredient, Lactobacillus Acidophilus has been used in foods in the United States for over 100 years.  There has never been a side effect reported from its use, regardless of frequency or duration of use. Importantly, only this product system enables the consumer to take just one dose per day for 24-hour protection without side effects.

    In the New York Consumer District Test Market, the Company sold over 2.6 million capsules without a single consumer complaint regarding side effects or efficacy. DairyCareâ„¢ offers numerous advantages over existing brands including longer duration of action, single-use dosing, the absence of side effects or drug interactions, and increased efficacy at a lower cost.

    DairyCare has a two-year shelf life and can be kept in your home without worry to fulfill the needs of your lactose intolerant family.

    Visit our Locations page to see where you can purchase DairyCare.